How You Tell It's Time to Update or Replace Your Residential Insulation

How You Tell It's Time to Update or Replace Your Residential Insulation

30 March 2020
 Categories: Construction & Contractors, Blog

If your home is under-insulated, it might be hard to regulate the cold or warm air circulating inside. Well-maintained insulation doesn't allow warm air to sneak out or even allow hot air to enter. Most homeowners use foam, fibreglass, cellulose and wool to insulate their home. If you use low-quality insulation materials, you might have to insulate your residential property again before the year ends. The materials used during insulation should be robust and with no health implications. Can you tell when your home insulation has started to wear down? Keep reading!

Annoying 'Guests' Keep Coming

When the outside temperatures get cold, pests and animals come to your house to enjoy some warmth. If these pesky 'guests' frequent your house, it might mean your home is under-insulated. But are you aware that most of these unwanted visitors like living or building their nests in your residential insulation? If you don't take the right measures immediately, they might bring your entire insulation down within a few days. If roaches, rodents and squirrels seem to have come to stay, then your home insulation isn't in good condition. Animal faeces and chewing and gnaw marks also indicate that the insulation could be crumbling. However, installing new insulation would keep these uninvited guests away from your home.

Electricity Bills Shoot

If your home is under-insulated, you might have nothing to smile about when the cold season comes. The warm air would escape, making the indoor environment chilly and uncomfortable. Your heating unit would have to overwork to help recover the heat that escaped. When summertime comes, your heating appliance will be on for many hours to cool your indoor air. In each of these circumstances, the AC unit would use a lot of electricity to run to maintain the desired temperatures, and this means your utility bills would go up. To avoid these mishaps, get a professional to inspect the worn-down sections and significant gaps in the residential insulation and recommend the insulation materials you should use.

Intermittent Indoor Temperatures

If your indoor temperatures can't remain constant, then you have an insulation issue to fix. Every time your insulation develops a problem or isn't in good shape, the indoor temperatures will fluctuate often. Even after setting your thermostat to maintain a constant temperature in your house, you might still experience hitches if the insulation is poor. But once you update or replace your home insulation, maintaining the right indoor airflow won't be a big issue. As a homeowner, you update or add insulation depending on the rooms you have in your house.

Before you even install natural stone, marble or granite countertops, check if your home insulation is in good shape. If your home is old and you have never replaced insulation, do it now to keep your family happy and safe. Contact a residential insulation company for more information.