Pouring Mass Concrete: Are You Ready to Handle the Curing Process

Pouring Mass Concrete: Are You Ready to Handle the Curing Process

7 April 2020
 Categories: Construction & Contractors, Blog

Concrete is by far the most popular and reliable construction material you can find in the engineering world. It boasts of immense strength, durability and versatility. Concrete rarely disappoints, from the small, do-it-yourself projects you do at home to the construction of large complexes and industrial megastructures. Primarily, putting up megastructures relies on a process referred to as mass concreting. Mass concreting involves pouring large volumes of concrete over an extensive area as you build slabs for industrial structures. Examples of these structures include business complexes and dams. The following teaches you about the curing process of mass concrete to help you gain more insight.

Mass Concrete Explained

If you want a thick and extensive slab that can support lots of structural loads, you need to pour huge volumes of concrete. Project specifications vary among different undertakings, meaning that you cannot limit the definition of mass concrete to precise dimensions. The only consistent pattern is that the vast quantities of cement generate heat as the cement in the mixture hydrates. The temperature rises consistently as the concrete settles, and it can hinder proper curing for your slabs.

Temperature Parameters and Their Effects

Rise in temperatures as your concrete settles causes expansion of the mass concrete. At the same time, external elements such as cold winter temperature, snow and ice also exert their effect on your newly laid slabs. The result is unprecedented expansion and contraction of the cement-laden mixture, which prevents the slabs from curing properly. Ideally, you need to ensure that the temperature of your mass concrete stays below seventy degrees Celsius. The difference between the surface of the mass concrete and its centre should be less than nineteen degrees Celsius.   

Techniques for Thermal Concrete

Your contractor can apply several methods to maintain the optimal temperature for your mass concrete. The idea is to have optimal conditions for your slabs to cure efficiently. Here are a few:

  1. Pre-cooling: pre-cooling means lowering the temperatures of the mass concrete intentionally before pouring them on the structure. Here, the contractor resorts to techniques like using chilled water to make the concrete mixture or replacing the water with chipped pieces of ice.
  2. Post-cooling: post-cooling lowers the temperature of the concrete after placement. The builders can use insulating material to regulate the temperature difference between the surface and the core of the slab. They can also set up a network of cooling pipes running through the concrete and control the temperature as they deem fit.

To learn more, contact a commercial concrete contractor.