Why Your Bathroom May Need Cementitious Waterproofing Methods

Why Your Bathroom May Need Cementitious Waterproofing Methods

23 April 2020
 Categories: Construction & Contractors, Blog

Water is an essential component of the construction process. However, the presence of unwanted moisture inside an already constructed house can cause thousands of dollars worth of damage. Even more worrisome is the fact that when you do not check water damage on time, it can compromise the structural integrity of the entire building and also bring it down in the end. It is, therefore, crucial to ensure that the critical parts of the house, especially bathrooms and kitchens, are properly waterproofed to avoid the moisture trap.

Here is what you need to know about cementitious waterproofing and its importance in your home.

Excellent Water Resistance

Cementitious waterproofing is popular with bathrooms and other areas of the home that are regularly exposed to moisture because it offers a superior quality water barrier. The method is easy because the materials used to waterproof the floor and other surfaces are readily available in stores that sell construction materials. The main ingredient in cementitious waterproofing is the acrylic additive that is mixed into the cement before spreading. The resulting mixture can withstand years of exposure to water without allowing it to ruin the floor or leach into the foundation and the walls. 

A Non-Toxic Alternative

One of the major concerns for the construction industry is the toxicity of the materials used in some of the construction processes. For example, there was a time when using asbestos was thought to be beneficial in construction because the material was excellent in fireproofing and strengthening the materials it was added to. However, it emerged that asbestos is toxic. Similarly, some waterproofing materials are excellent in keeping the moisture out but are very toxic. Choosing cementitious waterproofing saves you from having to deal with toxic compounds in the home.

Versatility in Application

When using other waterproofing methods, you have to worry about the shape of the surface you are waterproofing, the moisture content of the surface, joints, and other characteristics. At times, it is hard to get all the conditions to align for the application to be useful. The beauty of cementitious waterproofing is that you can apply it on any shape of the surface, regardless of its moisture content. 

These are some of the benefits that cementitious waterproofing offers that other materials cannot. Note that only a construction contractor can determine the ideal type of waterproofing, depending on the surface it will be used to secure from water damage.