Principle Factors That Will Directly Influence Your Upcoming Land Development Project

Principle Factors That Will Directly Influence Your Upcoming Land Development Project

24 April 2020
 Categories: Construction & Contractors, Blog

If you have a vacant lot of land and are looking to make it functional to benefit from it, you are likely thinking about land development. Nonetheless, some people tend to think that as long as they have the funding for land development, the process is straightforward since all they need to do is purchase building supplies and hire the right construction contractors. But this is untrue.

The reality is that different sites will be affected by varying elements, and these would have to be addressed from the beginning before the development process is underway. While not comprehensive, here is a look at a couple of determining factors that will directly influence your upcoming land development project.


If you are planning to develop the land for commercial purposes, zoning is a crucial element to factor into the process. The zoning laws should already suit your development requirements, or the lot should not be limited to rezoning if you need to change it' current zoning. When determining the established zoning laws, you also need to inquire about several other aspects that would have an impact on how you can utilise the vacant lot.

For starters, you should inquire about coverage, which refers to the amount of floor space that will be available to your building concerning the size of the site. Additionally, you should inquire about easements, as these restrictions will affect how you can make use of certain areas of the lot. The more thorough you are when researching the zoning of the area, the less likely you will encounter obstacles down the road with the local jurisdiction.

Physical attributes

Once you have all the information you can gather regarding the zoning laws of the area, you can then factor in how the different physical characteristics of the lot will influence your land development project. Some newbie developers tend to take this for granted under the impression that as long as they clear the area, they do not need to consider the physical characteristics. But this is a gross misassumption.

To begin with, you need to take into consideration the shape of the site, as much as you would be accounting for its size. For example, the size will influence the zoning density, if you are developing multiple residential units. However, if the lot has a weird shape, this could translate into fewer units despite what the zoning density allocates for the lot! Other psychical attributes that should be considered isle the topography of the lot, the soil type and so on.