Do you need to invest in structural timber?

Do you need to invest in structural timber?

27 April 2020
 Categories: Construction & Contractors, Blog

When choosing the materials you will use to build any structure, you must ensure that whatever you choose has the right characteristics to support your structure and keep it safe for whoever will be living in it or using it. You might choose to work with concrete, steel or brick, but there will almost certainly still be a place for structural timber in whatever you are building.

What is structural timber?

While all timber can be useful for different parts of your building project, not all timber should be expected to carry the weight of the building. Structural elements of the building, including the rafters or the frame of the property, must all able to bear weight safely, and that means you should only use timber that has been tested, approved and graded so that you can be sure that it is safe for your purposes. When you walk around a timber yard, you will notice that the structural timber is graded so that you can be sure you know precisely what you are buying. In some cases, the testing will have been completed through a simple visual inspection. In other cases, the wood will have gone through a grading machine to assess the weight it can bear. However, the determination that was made it ensures that you can have confidence that the wood you use will be perfect for your application.

Should you get hardwood or softwood?

When you are thinking of buying structural timber, you will need to make a decision about whether you need to use hardwood or softwood. In most cases, softwood is preferred, but where particularly large sections or long pieces of timber are required, a hardwood could be an appropriate choice. Another instance in which you might want to choose hardwood structural timber is when you need a greater degree of durability.

Should you think about a laminate?

While in most cases, either softwood or a hardwood structural timber will provide what you need, it is possible that a timber laminate product could be worth investigating. Laminating timber is a popular method of creating a stronger product while eliminating knots and similar defects which can occur naturally in the wood.

If you are unsure which structural timber products would be the right solution for your building project, your local wood yard will be able to advise on the materials which they have available that meet your strength requirements.

To learn more, contact a supply store that carries structural timber.