Building Inspection Categories and What They Entail

Building Inspection Categories and What They Entail

15 May 2020
 Categories: Construction & Contractors, Blog

How do you protect a commercial or domestic building that has taken up lots of your resources? Well, you can think of hiring the services of an excellent contractor to bring the structure to life. Even then, you still need an inspector to keep an eye on the work done by the contractor by ensuring that they do everything to the desired standards. Contractors need someone to audit their work, and that is the job of a building inspector. The following piece outlines some of the categories of building inspection when you invest in real estate projects.

Special Purpose Building Inspections

It would be great to start by learning about the ad hoc inspections that arise on a need basis. Just as the name suggests, this category of inspections only occurs under peculiar conditions or in cases where the building has been under construction for an extended period. Take the case of a project you undertook intending to complete it within two years. However, a court case arises and forces you to stop construction for another year before the court delivers a judgement in your favour. Such a building will need a special inspection before you resume work. The focus will be on timber decks, steel reinforcements, pillars and walls, which are the primary supporting elements of the building. Inspecting them before resuming work is essential for ensuring that construction can go on without the risk of the structure collapsing.

Electrical Building Inspections

No doubt, electrical installations make up a large percentage of the work that goes into a successful construction project. It makes sense, considering the number of building utilities that require electricity. An electrical inspection aims at examining the pre-existing and newly installed electrical systems to guarantee that they work well. The examination can extend to related equipment such as security systems, HVAC systems and photovoltaic systems.

Coating Inspections

The paint and protective coatings on your structure add lots of aesthetic value. Few people barely think about the underlying risks that come with the coating systems. For example, oil-based types of paint contain fuel elements that encourage the spread of fire. Coating inspections are carried out to offer solutions for complementing such coatings with dependable fire management measures. They also ensure that the films do not contain any hazardous materials at any stage of the application process. Such materials include asbestos.

For the best results, work with professional building inspection services who understand the needs of your structure from the onset.

To learn more, contact a company that offers building inspection reports.