Why Modern Pergolas Are Such A Sought After Attachment

Why Modern Pergolas Are Such A Sought After Attachment

18 May 2020
 Categories: Construction & Contractors, Blog

Pergolas have long been an integral feature of many Australians gardens and are a common sight across all states and territories. You might have even grown up with a pergola in your backyard and spent many a summer night out there, eating dinner or celebrating birthdays. However, pergola builders have gotten much more adept at creating pergolas that are extremely durable and with all the modern fixings you could ever want. If you have been thinking about getting a pergola but were on the fence about it, here are a few reasons why you should take the plunge. 

Outdoor Kitchen

Many pergolas double as an outdoor cooking space or kitchen, and it is easier than ever to have a barbeque, sink, drawers and even a fridge installed into your pergola. Pergola builders are great at running power to the main building and ensuring these connections are weather-resistant and have enough capacity to power all the chosen appliances. This can make your pergola not just a great place to eat dinner, but to cook it and even clean it up afterwards. If you hate going inside during the summertime then an outdoor kitchen space is essential.

Blend Of Old And New

There are many features of old pergolas that people still love and want to emulate in their new creations. Thatched roofs, snakey vines and plants growing up the supports and red-tiled floors are all commonly found in pergolas in Australia and indeed the world. The great news is that modern interpretations of these features are much more durable and easier to maintain than they have been in the past. Now your tiles and main pergola structure will stay cleaner for longer and bleach less in the summer. You can also add in a modern touch here or there to truly integrate your pergola into the 21st century, such as using a more minimalistic design choice.

Increase The Value Of Your Home

It is always a good idea to try and make your home as valuable as possible so that, in the event that you need or want to move, you can get the most bang for your buck as possible. However, there are only so many things you can do in the main building before you run out of features to add or upgrade. Pergola builders can add in a new feature that increases the value of your property by far more than the installation cost. That way you get to enjoy your new pergola for the time being, safe in the knowledge that if you were to sell, you would not be impacting the price negatively.

For more information, contact a local pergola builder.