4 Reasons Why House Underpinning Is a Worthwhile Investment

4 Reasons Why House Underpinning Is a Worthwhile Investment

18 December 2020
 Categories: Construction & Contractors, Blog

Home underpinning is done when the original foundation becomes unstable. A home's foundation can be affected by changes in the supporting soil structure and natural factors such as earthquakes. Another factor that calls for underpinning is a change in the usage of a building. Strengthening the foundation helps to improve a building's support system and usability. Home underpinning has several advantages that you might want to consider. They include the following:

Boosts the Value of Your Property

Underpinning adds value to your property. The process seeks to improve the structural integrity of your building. Many potential homebuyers consider this factor when looking for homes to purchase. Therefore, if you intend to sell your home in the future, you will attract many qualified buyers because of the strong foundation of your property. With added value, you will sell the property at a better price.

Gives You an Excellent Chance to Update Fixtures

Fixtures that lie under the basement floor or the foundation get exposed during an underpinning construction. Some of these fixtures include insulation, plumbing and electrical wiring. Accessing these elements allows you to assess their general condition. Based on the findings, an experienced home underpinning expert will advise you on whether to repair or update the fixtures.

Improves the Building's Support System

The primary objective behind home underpinning is to improve its structural integrity. Underpinning corrects mistakes in the foundation that can potentially lead to a collapse of the structure. If you feel that your home's foundation is compromised due to old age or damaged due to repair or extreme climatic changes, then you should consider underpinning. By doing this, you will provide your family with maximum security, knowing that the home is structurally sound. In addition to strengthening the foundation, underpinning offers solutions to other challenges, such as flooding and mould growth.

Helps in Creating Additional Space

One of the biggest benefits of home underpinning is that it provides additional space in your home. Underpinning involves increment of the ceiling height and lowering of the basement. In doing this, you create more room in the basement, which makes it ideal for living due to increased ceiling height. You can turn it into a workout area, theatre or home office. Since the room is bigger, there is a greater possibility of adding windows to enhance ventilation and lighting.

Home underpinning is an affordable and efficient way to reinforce the foundation of your home and increase the living space. Rebuilding your home is costly and time-consuming.  Therefore, underpinning might be the best option for you. However, it is imperative to hire experienced underpinning contractors to enjoy high-quality services.