Four ways to restore your air conditioning

Four ways to restore your air conditioning

14 September 2021
 Categories: Construction & Contractors, Blog

Have you started to swelter at home? Are you finding that no matter how high you turn up the air conditioning in your home, the building still feels stuffy? Maybe you have noticed that the air quality inside the building has deteriorated without an obvious reason for the change? It could be that a serious fault has developed with your HVAC system, or it might be that some air conditioning maintenance is overdue. Before calling an air conditioning maintenance technician, there are a few things that you can try to see whether you can fix the problem yourself.

Why air conditioning maintenance matters

Before you start looking at your air conditioning system, it is important to understand that there are some things that you should not attempt on your own. If there is a failed part or a significant fault, call an engineer and let them take over. It is not worth imperilling the safety of your family to save a little time or money. However, many problems with air conditioning are simple things that you can check without any specialist training. Here are four things you should do.

Clear away the debris 

Over time, the amount of debris inside an air conditioning system will build up. Air conditioning maintenance must involve taking out any leaves, dirt and general debris that has built up so that the airflow can be restored. Poor airflow is one of the most common reasons that air conditioning systems stop working correctly.

Straighten the fins 

The airflow through the coil can be blocked by bent aluminium fins and coils. Checking to see whether the coils are out of alignment can restore the effectiveness of your air conditioning and keep your rooms at the right temperature.

Clean the coils 

Condenser coils in an air conditioning system will often start to accumulate dirt. Dirty coils can not effectively absorb heat, meaning that you must have the HVAC system running for much longer than usual to allow the room temperature to reach the desired level. Removing the dirt from the coils will help your air conditioning to work more efficiently.

Replace the air filter 

If you have cleaned and straightened all the elements of the HVAC system and the situation has not improved, it could be time to change the air filter. Dirty air filters make your system less efficient and can lead to you disseminating dust throughout your property rather than fresh air.

If you have tried these simple ideas, but the problem persists, it is time to speak to a professional air conditioning maintenance technician and let them examine the system.