Five Common Building Defects Found By Building Surveyors In Australia

Five Common Building Defects Found By Building Surveyors In Australia

17 April 2023
 Categories: Construction & Contractors, Blog

When you're buying a new home or apartment, it's important to know what you're getting into. If a property has been damaged or neglected in the past, there could be a lot of work required.

A building surveyor is an expert who can check for structural damage and other issues that might make a property unsuitable for purchase. They can also tell you about any problems with the soil or water supply, as well as any electrical faults that could be dangerous to residents. 

Here are five of the most common building defects found by building surveyors in Australia:

1. Water Damage

If your home is built on a flood plain, the building surveyors will look for water damage at the foundation or ground level. If there's any evidence of water damage, it will be listed as a defect on the report. The inspector will also check for sump pump systems and drainage to ensure that water runs away from the home rather than into it.

2. Structural Integrity

Your inspector will look at roof trusses and other support beams to ensure they have no cracks or rotten wood that could cause an unsafe situation in the future. They'll also check for signs of termites or rot in your walls and floors to make sure that nothing has been overlooked by previous owners and contractors.

3. Electrical Issues

Electrical issues can cause fire hazards, electrical shorts and even cause injuries when appliances don't work properly due to poor wiring. Your building surveyor will look for frayed wires or loose connections that could lead to these problems in the future so you know exactly what needs to be done before moving into your new home!

4. Buckling Ceilings And Walls

Buckling ceilings and walls are often caused by inadequate support or poor construction methods such as not providing enough insulation between floor joists or not installing insulation under the slab before pouring concrete on top of it. The buckling often occurs at corners where there is no additional support provided for load-bearing walls such as those found in kitchens or bathrooms where pipes run vertically below.

5. Bad Insulation 

Building surveyors are often able to spot poor insulation in homes by looking at the exterior walls, especially if there are gaps between sheetrock and windows or doors. Inspectors can also look for gaps around electrical outlets and switches. Building inspectors will often use a thermal imaging camera to check for hot spots on walls or ceilings that indicate poor insulation.

To find out more about what building surveyors do, contact a company like TRIDENT BUILDING SURVEYING.